Dear Tessa,
This feels really scary. Opening up, I mean. But I have heard many times that fighting against our fears helps us grow? So, let's grow then...
I will start by saying, I don't have a lot of answers for you. I do have a lot of questions though. Maybe talking to you can give me some perspective on the answers too. To warn you immediately, the questions are very confusing and overwhelming. New ones come every day.
I have learned to live with the questions. Sometimes the answers will somehow show up in my mind, usually while doing something unrelated, like cooking or cleaning, and often I will forget them as quickly as they come. I am not angry at not having the answers anymore, I am embracing the uncertainty and the effort required to research what the answers could be.
Why am I even saying this? Well, I hope you also have some questions which don't have answers. Maybe you even have some answers to my questions. I want you to know that it's okay. Not knowing. Questioning. I am determined to keep this a safe space. For your questions and mine.
I have learned lately that there are people who perceive questions as attacks, judgements. What kind of attacks you ask? Great question, I can't say I understand completely. If I had to guess, attacks at their personal view of themselves, or their intelligence. Like when you ask me about a news story I haven't still heard about, I may feel you are trying to attack me by highlighting my ignorance. And maybe some questions even are attacks. But here, the intention is pure. The questions here are to help you and help me. To lift us up, not tear us down. To open our eyes, not imply closed minds.
Can we agree on this? Will you join me in this journey full of questions?